Holistic Counsellor & Coach
I began my professional life as a practicing lawyer, and years later retrained as a translator and interpreter. But throughout my career practicing law for various firms, running my own translation services business and starting my family, I was drawn to the spiritual and intellectual realm of metaphysics. My studies and training as a metaphysical practitioner not only illuminated the career path I was pursuing, but helped me to understand my feelings and actions as I continued along a wider journey of self-discovery.
Through metaphysics I learned to observe the patterns and beliefs that create negative situations. These limiting beliefs are like invisible chains that keep us locked within our 'boxes' and from achieving our goals. My personal experience and training has taught me that it is necessary to dismantle the conditioning and values that no longer serve us so that we may become the highest expression of who we truly are.
Albert Einstein said: “Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them”. To understand what’s causing unhappiness or restraining personal progress, raising your level of self-awareness is key. This process takes courage, hard work and commitment and I believe cannot be achieved from a purely psychological approach. Conflicts of mind and personality are more effectively resolved from a spiritual standpoint.
The positive progress I saw in troubled people during my training fuelled my motivation to make a logical transition in my career and I now run a practice to help my clients look at their adversities and troubles from a different perspective and turn them into opportunity.
What clients say...
“Olga was able to get to the source of my issues quickly and always remembered everything I said. This was very beneficial when reflecting on discussions we had in different sessions.”
“The counselling sessions gave me the opportunity to discuss experiences, discomfort and self-blame, and learning from these to form a renewed opinion and self-worth for the future.”
“The content of the spiritual treatment helped me to let go of what we had been discussing and the anger I had held within me for years.”
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk
it took to blossom.”
- Anaïs Nin
ABOUT MSEC (Metaphysical Society for the Expansion of Consciousness)
MSEC was founded in 1993 with the aim of advancing metaphysical and spiritual studies and develop a
holistic therapy based upon spiritual principles. It serves as a training faculty and as a network for qualified and registered metaphysical practitioners and teachers.
This pioneering therapy and its training route have been recognised and approved by the BRCP for over 20 years. To practice as a metaphysical practitioner, membership of the Metaphysical Society, the British Register of Complementary Practitioners (BRCP) and up to date insurance cover are required.
The register is located on the MSEC website: www.metaphysicalsociety.com.
ABOUT BRCP (British Register of Complementary Practitioners)
The BRCP is a regulatory body which monitors training and standards of practice within the field of complementary medicine.
Established in 1989, it is one of the longest running multi-disciplinary registers of complimentary practitioners in the UK.
Upon successful completion of the MSEC practitioner training courses, qualified therapists can apply to join the BRCP and be listed on their website: https://brcp.uk/