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My approach involves a mind-body-spirit outlook to solving many of life's challenges. By drawing on psychological strategies and spiritual teachings, I gradually guide my clients towards self-discovery and healing. It’s a process that promotes emotional wellbeing, psychological strength and spiritual growth.


It integrates a wide range of spiritual teachings, from ancient wisdoms to modern spiritual teachers, that are relevant to our times and have a practical application to problems of human existence. As we work with these transformative principles and teachings, we connect to our own inner wisdom and find an inner peace that manifest as an outer calm in our human affairs. The outer world will conform to our inner awareness of Truth.


My personal experience and my work have shown me that we cannot awaken spiritually without healing our psychological wounds, nor can we complete that process of healing without simultaneously awakening. This is why I adopt a psycho-spiritual approach, employing psychological strategies to help clients understand how they might have been affected by dysfunctional family dynamics or other traumatic experiences, while the spiritual teachings give them the strength to address and heal the impact of these experiences in their lives and discover the value in all that has unfolded.


It’s a process that restores meaning, purpose and creativity to our lives and helps transform life’s adversities into opportunities for growth.

A beautiful tree receiving light from right side
A cabalistic tree


I offer a self-empowering therapy that addresses the imbalances in the client's belief system that are causing conflict and preventing them from living a healthy, happy and fulfilled life. 


Often these beliefs are unconscious to us and we don't know they are operating in our lives. As an experienced practitioner, I work with my clients to identify and address the underlying structures and experiences that lead to unhelpful habitual patterns that might be holding them back, and find a lasting resolution through self-examination and understanding. 


This psycho-spiritual approach signposts the way towards living a more authentic life through making conscious choices. It can be an incredibly rich and transformative process, resulting in clients developing a greater sense of self-awareness and empowering them to make positive changes in their lives: from health, relationships and self-worth to career, financial stability and happiness.


My counselling sessions provide a safe and supportive space for clients to embark on a journey of self-understanding and personal realisation. The techniques and approaches I use are varied, including one-on-one conversations, guided meditations, the integration of dreams, spiritual treatments, and many others tailored to your individual needs.


Once we identify the root of the problem, I can teach you to draw on your own inner strengths and give you tools to build a regular practice for lasting effects.


I've helped people address: 







  • Overwhelm & burn out

  • Chronic fatigue & long Covid

  • Childhood trauma 

  • Depression & anxiety 

  • Grief

  • Inner conflict and crisis 

  • Lack of direction 

  • Relationship difficulties 

  • Low self esteem 

A blue and colourful tree
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