Updated: Dec 16, 2024

It’s been a while since my last post. Last year, I made a conscious effort to be more active on social media and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed connecting with others on their own wellness journey. As I did, I found myself delving into my personal experiences and, in particular, the experience of finding everything too much and feeling overwhelmed.
For the last few years I’d been running a side business venture, but what had started as an exciting side project was consuming a lot of my time and energy. Taking time to step back and assess my priorities, I realised I was taking on more than I could handle and I took the difficult decision to close my business venture.
Finalising this closure has taken much of my time over the last year, which is why I’ve been quieter online. Toward the end of this process, I came across a quote that resonated with me:
"For better to come, good must stand aside." – Carl Jung
I realised that I had to let go of something that I enjoyed and cared deeply about in order to move forward with something more meaningful for my future. It wasn’t easy, but by letting go of something ‘good’, I’ve arrived at a better place.
Isn’t that the very essence of the season we’ve just started? Autumn’s the perfect time for reflection, gratitude and letting go. Just as trees shed their leaves to conserve energy and prepare for new growth to come, now is the time for us to cast off things that are sapping out energy and holding us back.
Think about areas of your life that feel challenging, perhaps in ways they haven't before. It’s not always easy to admit there are things we’ve outgrown - but letting go is a natural and necessary part of life's cycle to create space for renewal and growth.
Take time to reflect on your achievements and the people who have supported you, and give thanks. Gratitude is an important part of this process - it helps us honour what has been, even as we prepare to move forward.
By shedding what no longer serves you now, you make room to protect and nurture what truly matters. When spring arrives, you’ll be ready for all its new possibilities.
✨ If you’re navigating a period of change and need support in finding clarity and balance, I’m here to help. As a holistic counsellor, I offer guidance tailored to your individual needs, with in-person face-to-face sessions or through remote sessions online—whatever works best for you.
Keep an eye out for my next post, where I’ll share a simple exercise to help you begin your own process of ‘letting go.’ 🍂